About me

I'll tell you a little bit about myself...

Hi! I’m Marina, I’m pleased to meet you.

I was born in Venezuela, trained as a psychologist in Spain and currently live in the Netherlands. I don’t feel particularly rooted to any place, although I have always been in search of stability. It has been a path full of lights and shadows, but I dare say that at this moment I am where I want to be.

I am a sensitive, empathetic, steadfast and fun person. I also live with a part of me that is a bit more annoying; self-demanding, perfectionist and anxious. That is why, relying on my own profession, I have undergone several psychotherapeutic processes over the years. Today I continue on my path of personal growth, accepting that there are always things to learn.

I love everything related to creating; gardening, drawing, baking, writing and crafts. I would love to have a bakery and create my own recipes, but currently psychology is my priority. For the last few years I have been seeking and finding relaxation through yoga and meditation, they are pure medicine.

Professional education

At the end of my psychology degree I really enjoyed exploring different branches of psychology. I have worked in hospitals, neurostimulation centres and psycho-pedagogical centres; with children, adolescents, adults and elderly people; from different approaches and with different professionals. After many years of training and learning, I decided that it was time to create something of my own, something more intimate and personal. As a result of this desire, the online centre Psicología Marina González was born, a project designed to help others through self-knowledge, listening and acceptance.

So far my experience has helped many people and I am very grateful for the trust they place in me. I know that it is important to have knowledge about the education of mental health professionals, that is why I share with you my training:

  • Degree in Psychology at the University of Barcelona.
  • Master in Integrative Psychotherapy at the University Rey Juan Carlos (Institut Mensalus).
  • Master in Neuropsychology at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
  • Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology at the University of Girona.


I believe that self-knowledge, listening and acceptance are the pillars that promote change.


  • Joy and Health
  • Stability
  • Vitality
  • Strength